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One Health Medical Association (OHMA) serves as an interdisciplinary space for Binghamton University students to collaborate between peers and professionals from various health disciplines to create an innovative and holistic approach to achieve One Health.

Hello! We are OHMA.

All for One Health and One Health for all! By protecting one, we help protect all.

One Health Medical Association (OHMA) seeks to provide opportunities for career development, network with professionals in One Health fields, and foster community and communication to create advocates with the goal of creating a transdisciplinary partnership between healthcare, animals, and the environment to advance medicine and public health.

What Is One Health?

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach — working at the local, regional, national, and global levels — with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.

One Health is the idea that professionals across all fields of expertise can work together interconnected and united under the effort to support global health recognizing the connection between animal health, human health, and the environment.

 Collaboration within professionals from various disciplines is necessary to find solutions to complex shared health threats like antimicrobial resistance, the global food crisis, zoonotic/emerging diseases and more.

Uniting Professionals Across Disciplines

To approach and overcome complex health issues, One Health must be embraced across disciplines hence our organization fosters communication through speaker conferences and symposiums between professionals from diverse health fields: for example, physicians, veterinarians, nurses, environmentalists, dentists, ecologists, public health practitioners, and other health professionals.

One Health Initiative

Explore how the health of humans is connected to the health of animals and the environment.


Explore human issues like nutrition, disease, environmental exposures, cancer, illness… in relation to One Health


Examine animal health issues like dental diseases, arthritis, obesity, disease, and how animal health impacts humans and the environment.


Learn how elements of our environment affect animals and human health looking into issues like environmental medicine, air pollution, water quality, food insecurity, global warming…

Join Us!

Come join our cause towards achieving a healthier world!

We host educational and social activities, providing opportunities for advocacy. We aim to create an interdisciplinary space in which students can learn from professionals in One Health fields while creating community and sparking connections with one another.

Check out our latest events and join our mailing list to stay up to date on announcements!

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To approach and overcome complex health issues, One Health must be embraced across disciplines hence our organization fosters communication through speaker conferences and symposiums between professionals from diverse health fields: for example, physicians, veterinarians, nurses, environmentalists, and more.

We recognize development as a professional to be our core focus through organized involvement and collaboration between physicians, veterinarians, research scientists, and more to gain insight and more clearly define the complex interconnections in health through workshops to help students gain career guidance.

One Health Medical Association also helps students build connections and get involved in service events that incorporates the inextricably linked human, animal, and environmental health.

Networking support and meetings providing opportunities for advocacy through collaboration, allowing members to outreach and interact with other passionate students who are interested in advancing medicine and public health and address the social determinants of health.