our values

OHMA Mascot

Who We Are

One Health Medical Association is a group of students who are dedicated to the concept that the health of people is closely connected to the health of all species and our shared environment. We support the global One Health Initiative and are dedicated towards unity between professionals from various health disciplines to create an innovative and holistic approach to improve health and make a positive impact on our planet. We serve as a forum for discussion and a source of information on issues facing animals, peoples, and places in hopes of spreading awareness and training Binghamton students to become advocates for these issues. We recognize development as a professional to be our core focus through organized involvement and collaboration between physicians, veterinarians, research scientists, and more. We welcome all interested students and faculty to join our initiative and invite newcomers to help expand our mission!

One Health Medical Association is the


undergraduate One Health student organization in New York

What We Do

To approach and overcome complex health issues, One Health must be embraced across disciplines hence we foster communication through speaker conferences and symposiums between professionals from diverse health fields. OHMA also helps students build connections and get involved in service events. We seek to increase awareness of One Health through discussing approaches to address local and large-scale societal-level health challenges incorporating several fields of study like Comparative/ translational medicine, research, Environmental health & conservation, Veterinary medicine, sociology, and more!

  • Symposium

    We invite professionals from the One Health Field to speak about their jobs and how it relates to One Health.

  • Workshops

    We hold meetings aimed at helping students achieve goals in their career development.

  • Hands On Experience

    We help students make a difference by highlighting One Health opportunities, such as volunteering, in Binghamton.

Our Focus

One Health Medical Association’s education and networking support spans many areas including discussion topics with the aim to create an interdisciplinary partnership between healthcare, animals, and the environment to advance medicine and public health and address the social determinants of health.



We seek to work together with all fields of expertise and student organizations at Binghamton to present different perspectives and find solutions to solving today’s pressing global and environmental health challenges.

General Interest Meeting


Meetings consist of informational webinars, speaker conferences from various professions in One Health fields, pre-professional planning, discussion-based dialogue, and club meetings involving joint discoveries.



We focus on providing students with career guidance, networking, skill-learning, education, and community to interact with peers with similar professional goals. We also enrich our members and broaden their interests by encouraging exploration in One Health topics outside their own major.